Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Most Perfect

Imagine you are in the exact place you would love to be.
Not just for vacation, but to be there to live.
Can you imagine it?
Do you even have a place?

A lot of people say France because that's the most romantic place in the world.
Others, Hawaii, for relaxation.

The most perfect answer I've heard.


Saying that, it definitely wouldn't be my answer.

I just said it was the most perfect answer, yes? So why not?

My home now isn't suitable for a dream.
Not where I would say it's perfect.
When I heard that person say home.
Thoughts came to my head.

A wife.
Maybe, MAYBE, a child.
A cat. or a dog, if my wife wants one instead.
A Mustang.
A nice sized house. Not small.
An Olympic sized pool.
A nice place to run.
A beautiful place to cycle.

Suddenly, it's not a perfect answer anymore.

Is it?

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