Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Single on Valentine's Day

Every person who is single, usually says Valentine's Day is the lamest holiday ever.

Or so that's what I've heard.

I don't mind it. Some of my past blogs show otherwise, but I've got some new views that I've learned since then.

I don't think anybody reads this, but it helps me to express my thoughts to myself, especially after such a long break from writing.

Allow me to show some new views to being single. It can help. . . .I hope

What's so good about being single:
1. Primarily, this would have to be friends. (This will tie in with others in this list, so be patient on full explanations, they'll get longer.) You can have as many friends as you like and can spend time with them.

2. Devotion to friends. One thing about friends is, they don't go away that easily unless you don't ever want to hear from them again. I've had a friend from about two years ago and we barely communicate. I would say maybe one text message every two months. They know I care for them, so why be obsessed over a friendship? In a relationship, you "have to" spend time with that person constantly. If you're in a relationship, I don't mean have to in a bad way, you should want to. Single people, you don't "have to" spend time with just one person. A relationship takes up so much time and can take away time for other friends. Keep in mind, that a relationship should never wither the friendships outside of that relationship or it could become unhealthy. Wouldn't you miss a friend if they were constantly denying time with you for their love? I sure would. Being single, you can probably just drop what you're doing and be there for a friend.

3. Hobbies. I know when I first heard this I thought it was a lame attempt at making an article or a book, but it's true. This still has to do with devotion to the other person. If you are single, enjoy the things you love to do! I'm training for triathlons and the distances that I go for training are intense. Not many people are willing to run 10 miles every day. I also love doing balloon sculptures for people. Not many people are impressed with twisting balloons, they're just impressed with the results. So, I enjoy the company of myself for a season.

4. Character developement. This is probably what every single person should want to do. Develope a strong character that isn't dependant on a significant other. If a person is attached to their love, what happens when they leave? They need attention. That is a recipe for disaster my friend! Terrible things happen when somebody wants attention. They can be dishonest in their devotion to their love. Yes, that's what I mean. Developing a strong character before entering a relationship can be healthy for the relationship as well. If you have developed a great character and started a relationship with somebody they can love you for who you are a lot quicker! Think smart! No girl wants a man who can't work. No guy wants a girl who just wants the world. Celebrating differences as well as similarities in a relationship is what it's all about. So prepare for what you want in a relationship. Do you want children, do you want pets, do you want motorcycles for both or cars for both? Small house or large one? Move out of state or stay in state? Get to know what your goals in life are first!

5. Probably what most people want to hear is, Singleness is only a season. Think of people and friendships as seasons. There are enjoyable times to cherish, but in a heart beat, those people can pass right on through. I don't mean go through people by dating a lot of them, but go through friendships and figure out what attracts you the most? Other than temporal things. Something greater than looks. Something greater than intelligence. Something better than strength. Go to a retirement home and pick out which person you want to marry. Can you base it on looks? Can you base it on strength? On intelligence? On acheivements? Certainly Not! They have all mostly come to the same result. Just that. Look for things that will last. Who the person is. There are all types of people. Out going, timid, outspoken, bold, upfront, controlling, laid back, highly organized, highly disorganized, introverts, extroverts, passionate, unpassionate, the relaxed, the worried. Do you know what kind of person you would rather be around? Most people want to be friends with those who want them. That kind of attitude doesn't get anybody anywhere. If everybody was like that, how can somebody approach another? So, develope a habit of speaking first. Whether it's saying hello first or waving hello first. People can pass on by and not even think you exist. Some people will be like a dog when they see you, getting all excited and looking forward to something better in the day.

Valentine's Day isn't so bad.
A big part of it is commercialized and that's the only side you hear.
Take a different view on being single.

It's only a season that will pass.

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