Friday, February 17, 2012

A Reflection on Passions

This past week I've been thinking about what to do with my career life.

I've taken a step back from everything and observed how it has benefited me and those around me.

Some of my hobbies annoys people or makes me distant to people.

I love balloon twisting. Others call it balloon art. Balloon decorations. Ballooning.
Whatever it may be to you, it's all the same.
I love having challenges and look to better myself at it.
It puts me in a good mood unless I inhale the inner lining.
I have fun doing it. Creating things from balloons, not inhaling the inner lining. XD

And, the results makes others glad in their hearts. Happy too.

I love cycling for miles on end.

Running too.
Swimming. . . . .meh.
This benefits my health and such, but still nobody really cares about it.

My job.
I work at a car dealership and it has it's ups and downs.
I've gotten so high in that career in such little time.
Others think I should keep moving forward. Well, everybody does.
I'm hesitant to do anything more than what I originally set out to do.
I had a conversation. . . .more a lecture from somebody who feels that their purpose in life is to be vexed for all eternity and that they were chosen to be so miserable so that others could be glad. *rolls eyes*
Don't give me that.
Nobody was designed to be like that except one!

And it wasn't to be miserable, it was to be a sacrifice!

Let's get back on track.
A lecture from a depressed ignorant person who feels I'm chosen to be glad because she's chosen to be depressed. *sigh of dissapointment* Some people don't understand a gift that has been given freely without a burden.

Ballooning is fun and I am getting plenty of work opportunities for it.
It pays better than my job.
So, I'm in a situation where everything is an option again.

I've come to a fork in the road.
Gonna pick it up and head in the direction that serves best!

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