Sunday, May 20, 2012

10 Phone Numbers

What a subject!
*Will Not Reveal Any Numbers That I Will Talk About*

1. Do you use the person's name of that number or do you list them under nicknames?
XD I actually do both. My old boss, he's listed as boss. My secondary boss, under his own name. I don't have my tertiary boss' number. Or my GM's. Family, Just what reminds me of them most. Oldest sister is listed as Chief. I don't have my older sisters number, brother is listed and Charicature, sister is listed as Darth Vader. I don't have my parents numbers because I know those by heart.

2. How many phone numbers do you have in your log?
I have about 25 numbers.

3. When the phone number shows up but the caller I.D. doesn't recognize it, do you answer your phone?
Nope. I don't. Well, I answer it, but hang up right away.

4. Do you let some numbers go to voice mail?
I hate Hate HATE voice mails. Honestly? If you're calling it's for a reason. If it's a good reason, you would be calling me. So, don't leave a message, I repeat, DO NOT leave a message, Just call back. I'm always free. Even at work I'm free. . . .Shhh! I pay for unlimited minutes for a reason! If I didn't pick up the phone the first time, call again. I hear there's a redial button on phones now. Or quick clicks. Just talk to me, I love talking.

5. What is your gf/bf listed as?
Don't have one so ther is no listing for this dream girl.

6. What numbers do you have on speed dial?
What's speed dial?

7. Do you put pictures of the person under their numbers, or do you use etc. pictures?
Again, I do both. I guess it's those that I know I use silly pic's. and those that I don't I either have nothing or their face. Not just a picture of their face, but of them eating. XD I like to laugh every now and then.

8. Crank calls, has your number ever been detected?
I've never made one so. . . .no.

9. Who do you give your number to?
Co-workers. Those who ask!

10. How do you try to get numbers?
I don't.

Gosh, this one was so lame!

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