Sunday, December 12, 2010

Prank Calls

I've never understood what was so great about prank calls.
Sure, I've received them on my phone by some kids.
I never understood what was funny.

My friend DJ prank called the Harkins Theater.
The person answered and he flushed the toilet into the phone.
He and his brother started to laugh and I just stood smiling not understanding what was so funny.

Now I know what is so funny.
Yes, beware that the following is me being so cruel to my sister.
That's not the worst part.
It doesn't get to brutal, but it goes farther than I had thought.

On Friday evenings, we go to Celebrate Recovery.
After that was done, we were on our way home.
There was a minor collision and my brother and I saw it.
I got the idea to call my sister, Eva, and say that it was us.
My brother said, "YEAH!" with a big smile.

So I called my sister.
The phone rings.
"Hello?" said my sister.

"Eva, I don't know what to do." I replied.

"What? What are you talking about? Where are you?"

"We're on Ellsworth. We got hit and they're putting Sebastian in a stretcher and into the ambulance."

"What?! Was that you guys?"


"What?! Ok, hold on I'm turning around."

"NO DON'T!!!! Don't turn around I'm just joking."

"What?! MARTIN!!!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!!"

"Ok bye."

It was great. The rush of acting like we got hit.
The pranking of my sister.
Intense moment.

After that. My sister decided to prank call my parents.

This is where it went to far for me.
My parents don't joke one bit with me.
So, this being my idea, Eva pranked them.
They were at a store checking out when my mother got the call.
So ridiculous.
My mother said her arms went numb and my father came home with that confused scared look on his face.
I never meant for them to get pranked.
I blame Eva for that.

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