Friday, April 29, 2011

Out and about with ten

1. At a movie theater which arm rest is yours?
Both. XD I always get both because nobody else is ever in the theater that I'm in. But if there is, which is rare, then I still get both because I place my elbows and the rear of the arm rests. =D That way they get both too! Win Win! I don't go to the theaters often. The last few movies that I've seen in theaters are Tron, Toy Story 3, Transformers, and Passion of the Christ. That's it in the past five years? Yeah. I don't get out much.

2. Would you go skydiving?
It never interested me. So, I would have to say NO. My sisters went this past year. I didn't think I was missing much. XD Falling for two minutes? I can do that in my dream. And I have! Does that count?

3. If you knew today was your last day on Earth, how would you spend it and why?
Cycling as far and as fast as I can. I love cycling and I would love to go out into the world without having to worry about coming back home. XD I would even cycle on a flat. Doesn't matter if I wore out my rims, I'm not going anywhere.

4. If you had the chance to go back in time for 24 hours, where and when would you go?
I would go back to campus and slash my wheels so that the past me wouldn't have fallen and gotten scars from road rash. =D SM-ART!

5. Where did you come from?
The kitchen.

6. What is the most unusual thing that has happened to you while on vacation?
I went on vacation to Guatemala. We all slept in the same room because it's a third world place and that's all that my grandparents had. I was sleeping and then I started calling for my niece in my dream. I dreamt that she got kidnapped in the market place. Then that came out in real life and every body was like, "She's right here, she's right here." Then I woke up and said, "Shush, I'm trying to sleep."

7. Do you like to sing in the car?
Yeah. I sing my lungs out in the car. Not when anybody is around though, I have the worst voice possible. =D Singing opera is my favorite!

8. Do you know how to get there?
Yeah, you take a left on Main and stay on it for eternity. Then make a right and you'll be there.

9. Hot or cold weather?
COLD! I cannot stand hot whether unless I train in it then it gets relaxing, but that doesn't last the whole day. I'd rather be cold. I live in Arizona too and that just makes life even worse! There's no such thing as cold in Arizona. Not even winter is cold. It's just a colder hot.

10. Have you been to Disney World?
Nope. Not even Disney Land. I would love to see Mickey and Minnie Mouse. They aren't my favorite characters; it would just be nice to see gigantic mice that are bipedal.

You should answer these too.
I didn't think these were the best, but I still answered them all.
Got a theme with ten questions?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Bad Week for Cycling

So this past week was strange for me and my bikes.

I was going to campus when a kid asked me where the corner store was. I said, "Yeah, there's one just down the street right there." Then he said, "Oh, no, I'm looking for a Kmart." I gave him a stare and said, "That's to far from here, you can't get there by walking." Then he asked, "Can you help me get there?" The light had turned green and I was about to bike off to campus. It had finally dawned on me that this kid was on his own walking in the middle of nowhere heading towards a place he doesn't even know. I asked him, "Why are you here on your own?" He told me school got out early. IT WAS 8:30 A.M.!!!! WHAT?!?! SCHOOL LASTED FOR THIRTY MINUTES?!?!?!?! I tried to keep my cool because I don't like children and he's trying to lie to me. I didn't have my phone, but luckily some other kids at a bus stop had theirs. He tried calling home, but didn't get through. He had the audacity to say, "Oh, that's ok, I'll find my way." He turned away from us and decided to walk in the direction of nothing but desert. I was almost relieved when he said that, then again, I realized, that he's a kid and shouldn't be on his own. I called him to come back. I then called my parent to see if she could help him home. I didn't know what else to do. She finally got him home and I was late to class. I didn't even have my book or my belt. What a Monday.

I have night classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So, I take my road bike to get there faster and home faster. I wear my cycling clothing as well, and as you know, those are tights. This lady is sitting at smoking area table and howls at me. I look back and I shake my head thinking that was all that was going to happen. She then asked if she could spank me. I quickly ran off into the men's restroom to change. Nastiest woman ever.

I've told this story many of times and it's still terrible. I was biking with my brother's red cruiser and I don't normally look down at all when I cycle. This was weird, I felt compelled to look down, almost as if somebody was whispering in my ear to look down. Then I noticed a little bird hopping and I tried so hard to turn the wheel. . . . .but it was to late. I had run over the little bird and smashed it to road pizza. And what's worse! It got stuck to my wheel! EW!!!! I felt so terrible that I cried out, "WHAT DID I JUST DO?!?!" I later told my friend Karen and she told me that I was gross. I didn't mean to. Then she tried to comfort me by telling me, I probably kept it from a life of misery, so it's not all bad. XD Who is the worse one now?

I had just gotten to campus when I felt like I was overtraining. That weariness and exhaustion is completely lame. I don't even go that far to get to campus! Five miles and I felt so weak. I didn't over train, my body just felt like it. I don't know why. I wonder if I ate anything that day. I don't think so. Well, that solves that case!

Now this was just terrible. I was coming home from campus and I was almost home when this happened. I was racing a truck with my brother's cruiser. Then, the chain snaps off and I fish tailed with the cruiser. It's not meant for speed so I was practically begging for this. I fish tailed and then my left foot went inside the frame of the bike, the pedal smashed into my foot and the handle bars rotated and locked my leg into the bike. It slid for a good ten feet onto the hot rock tar road and dragged me with it. I landed on my left arm and didn't feel a thing. Oh that's good, right? *Nods head in disagreement* I thought I had just burnt my hand on the rubber of the handle bars, but then the lady in the truck stopped, came out, and tried to help me up. Then she said, "Oh my goodness, you're arm!" I didn't know what she was talking about and I thought she meant my hand. I thought I broke my leg because I was locked into that bike pretty good. I checked my leg and she said that wasn't the problem, it was my arm. I then looked at my left arm and saw that a lot of skin had been torn off and there were rocks from the hot road embedded into my arm. I tried to pluck it out, but it was melted into me as if they were supposed to be there. I didn't feel it until after she showed it to me and then it burnt like insanity. So I got home and having a first aid class, I knew exactly what to do. I was able to stay calm and treat myself. My sister sprayed the wounds with disinfectant and it hurt so badly that I almost threw up. I dressed the wounds and it's feeling pretty good now.

Here it is:

All of the black bits are the road rocks. I cleaned it and scrubbed it pretty good.


Friday, April 22, 2011

They say it's ten

1. You're given 1 million dollars, what do you spend it on?
I would buy a new TT bike. I would like to have specialized TT bike like Chris McCormack's. His is awesome! I would want it to have SRAM. Schimano has been good to me, but I hear SRAM is better. Uhm....I don't know what else I would spend it on. I would take up to half and then give the other half to my parents. *Awww*

2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
I would live in Colorado. It's got all of the seasons! Arizona just has year round summer; different temperatures of summer. Colorado has snow and plenty of bike paths with plenty of cyclists.

3. What's your favorite song of the moment?
EVERLOVING by Moby. I first heard the song on Seabiscuit. When I heard it, it gave me goosebumps because it was so inspiring. Seabiscuit was racing and finally got his first win. That's what I call inspirational! I listened to it on a run recently and forgot I was running. I pulled a nice six miles in half an hour. BEAUTIFUL!

4. You're about to walk the green mile, what do you have as your last meal?
Lasagna. I'm like Garfield, I can live off of that stuff. I would also like Heather's teryaki chicken! That was so good! I would also definitely have french dip with ajou sauce. Oh oh oh! I know! I would have some Arby's melts!!!! Mmmmm. *Drool* That's better than lasagna. . . and nothings better than lasagna. . . so that's heaven! XD

5. What would be your dream job?
My dream job would definitely for me to be a janitor. I don't know what it is about cleaning toilets that just makes me feel so accomplished! XD Yeah right! I'm a janitor right now. It's enjoyable at times, but I would definitely love to be a professional triathlete. I'm not putting down other janitors, it takes great character to do that job. I appreciate them and their help for keeping places clean and ready for use. They have a big part in preparation.

6. Which would you rather have, 100 million dollars or true love?
I would rather have love. I think love is true enough that it doesn't need a true to be in front of it. If love doesn't stand the test, then it's not love to begin with. Love isn't an emotion, it's actions and behavior! I would love to have a wife that I can cycle with. A wife that I can run with. A wife that I can chase and catch. A wife that makes me chase her even after I've caught her. Yeah, I would definitely want love.

7. If you could have 3 wishes granted, what would they be?
To get a red TT bike that fits me right. Specialized!
To have a wife that I can cherish.
Socks that never wear out because they're made up of outer space material that is non-degradable. What's the outer space material? Alien skin. Perfect!

8. What is 1 thing not many people know about you?
Uhm. . .Oh! I got it! Not many people know that I've given up on all of the instruments that I used to play! XD It's not something I'm bragging about, it's just some-thing, like the question said, a thing.

9. If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to?
I would change my name to Ananias. I've always loved that name.

10. What was your favorite childhood television program?
My favorite childhood television program was Super Mario! It was on once a week at 6 AM every Sunday and it lasted for about three months. It taught me to wait a very long time for something that was worth it. I would wake up early and watch it with my brother. It was so awesome that the way I'm describing it now doesn't even describe it. I bought the series a while ago and it wasn't as enjoyable as it used to be. It's torture watching it now.

How would you answer these dream questions?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Ten Of Them

I want to start something up and I think I've found out what it is!
I would say I have the right to write what I want to in my own blogs, yes?

1. Apple juice or orange juice?
You know, I don't like either one, but if I had to choose, I would definitely go with apple juice. Orange juice has a weird texture and too much of it can destroy my tooth enamel. Sure apple juice gives people the runs, but that's healthy, right?

2. Are you a morning person or a night person?
I'm definitely a morning person. I love to get up at five or earlier. If I don't see the sun rise, my entire day just gets messed up. And they've been really messed up since this new semester.

3. If you could be any animal, what would you be?
I think it's obvious what animal I would be, a RHINO! HELLO! XD I'm just joking, I would like to be a raccoon. I love raccoons! Especially red raccoons, although, in other places, they're called red pandas.

4. If you could have any super power, what would it be?
I would love to be able to fly. Superman has always been my favorite super hero, so, it is most likely that I would have come away with wanting the ability to fly. I dream about flying and it comes easy to me in my dreams. If that's credit for anything.

5. What are 3 of your best personality traits?
I think that being a goof ball at times is a good trait that I have. I know when to have free time and learning how to deal with free time didn't come easy to me. I think another good trait would be that I know when to be serious. It is rare in class for me to slack off or not pay attention. Although, my humanities class is proving me wrong. Another trait that I think is good is that I'm very compassionate. That didn't come easy either. It seemed that the only way to get me to learn something was to hit me over the head with a hammer. I've learned to listen now and that's made all of the difference. *puts hammer away*

6. What are 3 of your worst personality traits?
ANGER! uhm.........Anger and.........uhm......anger. Can I count that three times? I don't like to be very aggressive, but it's been in my environment my entire life. Those role models are supposed to be important in my life, but have only taught me to be aggressive and self soothing. It's not as bad as I make it out to be, but it is there.

7. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Now now people, keep it clean. Besides, appearances aren't very noticeable to me. They are at times, but it's not dominant. Okay, so, the personality that I notice first in the opposite sex, female, is usually her laugh. Laughs are like music to me. I have the Dracula laugh and it's my natural laugh. People say it sounds evil, but there are all other types of laughs. Like the horse (when it rises like a nay), the machine gun laugh (that's when it's just a bunch of hahahas in a row like bullets), and the silent laugh. My favorite is just a normal elegant laugh that I've only heard from one person, but she's out of my life now, so, whatcha gonna do?

8. What personality traits do you look for in a partner?
She has to have a sense of humor. I love Love LOVE!!!! self-centered jokes. She has to be caring and serious at times, you know, when it's needed. Some one who goes with the flow.

9. What is 1 thing you miss about being a child?
Nothing, I didn't really have that childhood, so, nothing.

10. What is 1 thing you love about being an adult?
That I can be gone for hours and not care.

So, what are your answers to these questions? I would really love to know!

The Monster


It's what I'm best known for.

Although, not everybody believes how far I actually bike, so, I like to take pictures of the places I go. Like the Beeline, Saguaro lake, Hunt Highway, or other "insanely" far places. I no longer think that they are far because I've gotten so used to them. What I would consider far would be doing the Beeline then go to Hunt highway and back home, mmmm, what a dream.

I think that's only eighty miles though. =\

So, there's this one part of road on Bush highway that is called the monster. Rightly so, it is four miles of, I want to say 12% grade, of a hill.

The first time I went down it. I thought it was going to be fast and short, but it just kept going on and on. I wasn't in the right position for it and my hands went numb.

The second time I went down it, I got in the right position and just timed how long it would take to get down. It took a good ten minutes to drop from the top of the hill to the bottom.

The third time, I decided to tackle the hill instead of take an alternate route. I climbed that puppy and it hurt. It hurt badly! I was in second gear and it took half an hour to get up it. That's almost ten minutes just for one mile! Eight miles per hour? I think so. With all of my free time and I'm still to lazy to really calculate how much it was. I'm at a computer for crying out loud! Oh well, you calculate it if you really want to know. It's just a hill to me.

Well, after taking a break from it and going on flats for a few months now, by few I mean half a year, I decided to go back to it to. It wasn't the right time to make that decision.

There was a tremendous amount of wind and I just cannot cycle in the wind. I ended up getting passed by an elderly man who looked like he didn't have any muscles or organs. He looked like bones with skin on a Canondale.

Well, I went back to it the other day again and conquered it! I also conquered the wind! I got up that bad boy in half the time. It burnt and I almost threw up at the top.

It's just like that saying, "You become the monster, so the monster cannot break you."

Such victory!

Monday, April 11, 2011

They rule with grey hair

This past week, I went for a quick run to get a few things, just fruit and some spoils. Cookies and other sweets like eggs. *gives the Dracula laugh*

So, apparently, grocery shopping takes skill.
Be sure to bring a nice thorough list,
Don't shop when you're hungry,
Pick a good cart to shop with.

I do the first two like a pro! The last one, it's not fair, the old man with really grey hair usually welcomes me and gives me a cart. This time was different. It's like he went out of his way to give me the worst cart. It pulled to the left, one wheel didn't even move, and it squeezed loudly like I was warning others that the British were coming.

Well, as I enter the aisle for bread, these two old women with really grey hair got in front of me and fanned out to take up the entire aisle. I didn't feel like conversing because I was in a hurry. So, I decided to go around. The next thing I knew, they got in the other aisle and stopped smack in the middle of that aisle as well. I was thinking, what's going on? I thought they were playing a prank on me or something. So I decided that I could just come back for some bread and went to get some sugar.

Then I went to get some cookies for my brother and mother. They've both been having a craving for cookies and I decided I would get them their favorite kinds.
All of a sudden, like a pest, those two old women with really grey hair are in my way again. In the cookie aisle. I couldn't go into the cookie aisle directly because the worker was stocking and his cart was in the way. I don't blame him for anything. He was doing his job. I again, tried to go around these women, but to no avail. They stared at me like I was an alien. Feeling awkward, I decided to go into the other aisle to get around them again. Apparently some other lady got the memo and blocked the aisle with her cart too. Then as I tried to go around her, those old women came and stopped right in front of me. They didn't just stop, they parked there. Decided not to move and have the most absurd conversation. That of which I didn't want to listen to so I backed up and went to the other aisle to get around. Finally. They weren't blocking me! So I quickly got the cookies and the bread. It only took two minutes to get both, but with traffic it added up to a good half hour.

Just as I think I'm so close to getting out of that place there they are again! In my favorite check out lane! Yes, I have a favorite, what's it to you? Well, they're in front of me and they aren't a problem anymore. Suddenly, one lady decides to bust out with a complaint of blaspheme. They then change lanes. As I was about to pull up closer to the cashier, one of them decides to be bold. She put her hand on my cart and pushed it back as I was pushing it forward. Didn't even ask if she could be excused. Now, I'm all about honor towards the elderly, but COME ON!!!! She took her sweet time deciding which candy bar to get and let go of my cart.

Then the cashier had really grey hair as well. Although, she was nothing like the other women.

I guess grey hair is a crown that is highly abused.
It's just something they rule with.

How does your grocery shopping go? Do you get the squeaky cart as well?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


People are always amazed at the distance I go on my bike for a training ride and the distance I go for a run.
They ask, what do you do?

I'm trying to get my personal trainer certificate, but my main goal is to be a professional triathlete.

I saw the Ironman triathlon competition a few years ago after I had lost somebody very important in my life. Well, it wasn't the first time I saw it, but it was the first time that I really paid attention to it. The stuff that the people went through was rough, but it seemed that the Ironman proved that it didn't hold them down. Completing the Ironman triathlon was proof that they were healed or freed from that pain.

It was hard what I went through, to accept the wrong decisions that I made was misery.

So I devoted myself to triathlons. If something as great as the Ironman triathlon competition can be defeated, then that's what I'm going to do. FOR LIFE!

I've always loved athletics. Growing up in bad neighborhoods, school was a freedom for me. P.E. was my favorite subject in school. More than math, but I never really showed it. This love for athletics grew in me so much. I abandoned engineering, mathematics, and physics. My greatest desire, to become a race car designer/engineer, was thrown away. I didn't need that. It wasn't where I truly wanted to be.

I found it. Watching Craig Alexander win the Ironman struck a light in me. Then I saw Chrissi Wellington win her second title in a row. Those two people are so devoted to what they do that they were declared to world's best! I started to do some research on triathlons and the athletes. I found a man name Chris McCormack. He also goes by Macca. This man quickly became my favorite triathlete ever. He had won the Ironman title and has won the most triathlons ever in triathlon history. This man is the greatest.

Chris McCormack is the athlete I would love to be most like. With such a competitive nature, I had a lot in common with him. He won the Ironaman again in 2010 and was featured on the Wheaties box. I bought the box and cut it into pieces. I wanted to make a puzzle out of it or something. To remind me of where determination can get me.

Plenty of people don't know what the Ironman competition is. So I tell them.

Swim 2.4 miles,
Bike 112 miles,
Run 26.2 miles,
And brag, for the rest of your life.

Those words alone got me into the love of triathlons.

I'm slowly getting into the discipline of training and the specifics of functions.

When I'm ready, I'll be there one day.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Spring Heat

In Arizona, the winter only lasts about two days.
Those are usually the coldest days, around 90 degrees. *sarcastic laugh*

Everybody says my laugh is scary or resembles that of Dracula's laugh.

Not bad, not bad.

In all seriousness, there's barely a winter in Arizona. And rightly so, I mean, it's a desert. A vexed one at that. So, since there is barely a winter, there is barely a spring.

The spring heat, it's the worst part of the year for me. Because then the temperature changes from cool to hot. The hot keeps building and building until it is settled in how much it wants to scorch the people of Phoenix. Then the people in Mesa, mainly me, have to suffer for it.

I'm not used to the heat and I'm a desert rat! In my brother words. I would choose to be a sewer rat, at least they are in the water constantly.

Back to the point.

Well, for me, training in the cold is the Dream! So, when that temperature climbs and climbs slowly, I get so aggravated. For instance, it'll be so hot my legs are sticky and I can't get my bare foot into my shoe. I was in a hurry. It didn't go in and I hurt my fingers and my heel. It felt like the skin of my foot was tearing. So I said in an agitated voice, "COME ON! GET ON!!!! BLASTED SHOE!!!!" I know, vulgar mouth, I'm so sorry.
I mean, it's not the shoe, it's just. . . . SO HOT!

Summer is coming soon and those are the words that I dread. Is. What a word. Just joking. Summer is coming soon. It's hot enough already. The sun just has to do it's stary dance with the earth.

Their ballet kills me.
Do you like the summer?