Friday, April 29, 2011

Out and about with ten

1. At a movie theater which arm rest is yours?
Both. XD I always get both because nobody else is ever in the theater that I'm in. But if there is, which is rare, then I still get both because I place my elbows and the rear of the arm rests. =D That way they get both too! Win Win! I don't go to the theaters often. The last few movies that I've seen in theaters are Tron, Toy Story 3, Transformers, and Passion of the Christ. That's it in the past five years? Yeah. I don't get out much.

2. Would you go skydiving?
It never interested me. So, I would have to say NO. My sisters went this past year. I didn't think I was missing much. XD Falling for two minutes? I can do that in my dream. And I have! Does that count?

3. If you knew today was your last day on Earth, how would you spend it and why?
Cycling as far and as fast as I can. I love cycling and I would love to go out into the world without having to worry about coming back home. XD I would even cycle on a flat. Doesn't matter if I wore out my rims, I'm not going anywhere.

4. If you had the chance to go back in time for 24 hours, where and when would you go?
I would go back to campus and slash my wheels so that the past me wouldn't have fallen and gotten scars from road rash. =D SM-ART!

5. Where did you come from?
The kitchen.

6. What is the most unusual thing that has happened to you while on vacation?
I went on vacation to Guatemala. We all slept in the same room because it's a third world place and that's all that my grandparents had. I was sleeping and then I started calling for my niece in my dream. I dreamt that she got kidnapped in the market place. Then that came out in real life and every body was like, "She's right here, she's right here." Then I woke up and said, "Shush, I'm trying to sleep."

7. Do you like to sing in the car?
Yeah. I sing my lungs out in the car. Not when anybody is around though, I have the worst voice possible. =D Singing opera is my favorite!

8. Do you know how to get there?
Yeah, you take a left on Main and stay on it for eternity. Then make a right and you'll be there.

9. Hot or cold weather?
COLD! I cannot stand hot whether unless I train in it then it gets relaxing, but that doesn't last the whole day. I'd rather be cold. I live in Arizona too and that just makes life even worse! There's no such thing as cold in Arizona. Not even winter is cold. It's just a colder hot.

10. Have you been to Disney World?
Nope. Not even Disney Land. I would love to see Mickey and Minnie Mouse. They aren't my favorite characters; it would just be nice to see gigantic mice that are bipedal.

You should answer these too.
I didn't think these were the best, but I still answered them all.
Got a theme with ten questions?

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