Monday, April 18, 2011

The Monster


It's what I'm best known for.

Although, not everybody believes how far I actually bike, so, I like to take pictures of the places I go. Like the Beeline, Saguaro lake, Hunt Highway, or other "insanely" far places. I no longer think that they are far because I've gotten so used to them. What I would consider far would be doing the Beeline then go to Hunt highway and back home, mmmm, what a dream.

I think that's only eighty miles though. =\

So, there's this one part of road on Bush highway that is called the monster. Rightly so, it is four miles of, I want to say 12% grade, of a hill.

The first time I went down it. I thought it was going to be fast and short, but it just kept going on and on. I wasn't in the right position for it and my hands went numb.

The second time I went down it, I got in the right position and just timed how long it would take to get down. It took a good ten minutes to drop from the top of the hill to the bottom.

The third time, I decided to tackle the hill instead of take an alternate route. I climbed that puppy and it hurt. It hurt badly! I was in second gear and it took half an hour to get up it. That's almost ten minutes just for one mile! Eight miles per hour? I think so. With all of my free time and I'm still to lazy to really calculate how much it was. I'm at a computer for crying out loud! Oh well, you calculate it if you really want to know. It's just a hill to me.

Well, after taking a break from it and going on flats for a few months now, by few I mean half a year, I decided to go back to it to. It wasn't the right time to make that decision.

There was a tremendous amount of wind and I just cannot cycle in the wind. I ended up getting passed by an elderly man who looked like he didn't have any muscles or organs. He looked like bones with skin on a Canondale.

Well, I went back to it the other day again and conquered it! I also conquered the wind! I got up that bad boy in half the time. It burnt and I almost threw up at the top.

It's just like that saying, "You become the monster, so the monster cannot break you."

Such victory!

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