Monday, April 18, 2011

Ten Of Them

I want to start something up and I think I've found out what it is!
I would say I have the right to write what I want to in my own blogs, yes?

1. Apple juice or orange juice?
You know, I don't like either one, but if I had to choose, I would definitely go with apple juice. Orange juice has a weird texture and too much of it can destroy my tooth enamel. Sure apple juice gives people the runs, but that's healthy, right?

2. Are you a morning person or a night person?
I'm definitely a morning person. I love to get up at five or earlier. If I don't see the sun rise, my entire day just gets messed up. And they've been really messed up since this new semester.

3. If you could be any animal, what would you be?
I think it's obvious what animal I would be, a RHINO! HELLO! XD I'm just joking, I would like to be a raccoon. I love raccoons! Especially red raccoons, although, in other places, they're called red pandas.

4. If you could have any super power, what would it be?
I would love to be able to fly. Superman has always been my favorite super hero, so, it is most likely that I would have come away with wanting the ability to fly. I dream about flying and it comes easy to me in my dreams. If that's credit for anything.

5. What are 3 of your best personality traits?
I think that being a goof ball at times is a good trait that I have. I know when to have free time and learning how to deal with free time didn't come easy to me. I think another good trait would be that I know when to be serious. It is rare in class for me to slack off or not pay attention. Although, my humanities class is proving me wrong. Another trait that I think is good is that I'm very compassionate. That didn't come easy either. It seemed that the only way to get me to learn something was to hit me over the head with a hammer. I've learned to listen now and that's made all of the difference. *puts hammer away*

6. What are 3 of your worst personality traits?
ANGER! uhm.........Anger and.........uhm......anger. Can I count that three times? I don't like to be very aggressive, but it's been in my environment my entire life. Those role models are supposed to be important in my life, but have only taught me to be aggressive and self soothing. It's not as bad as I make it out to be, but it is there.

7. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Now now people, keep it clean. Besides, appearances aren't very noticeable to me. They are at times, but it's not dominant. Okay, so, the personality that I notice first in the opposite sex, female, is usually her laugh. Laughs are like music to me. I have the Dracula laugh and it's my natural laugh. People say it sounds evil, but there are all other types of laughs. Like the horse (when it rises like a nay), the machine gun laugh (that's when it's just a bunch of hahahas in a row like bullets), and the silent laugh. My favorite is just a normal elegant laugh that I've only heard from one person, but she's out of my life now, so, whatcha gonna do?

8. What personality traits do you look for in a partner?
She has to have a sense of humor. I love Love LOVE!!!! self-centered jokes. She has to be caring and serious at times, you know, when it's needed. Some one who goes with the flow.

9. What is 1 thing you miss about being a child?
Nothing, I didn't really have that childhood, so, nothing.

10. What is 1 thing you love about being an adult?
That I can be gone for hours and not care.

So, what are your answers to these questions? I would really love to know!

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