Friday, April 22, 2011

They say it's ten

1. You're given 1 million dollars, what do you spend it on?
I would buy a new TT bike. I would like to have specialized TT bike like Chris McCormack's. His is awesome! I would want it to have SRAM. Schimano has been good to me, but I hear SRAM is better. Uhm....I don't know what else I would spend it on. I would take up to half and then give the other half to my parents. *Awww*

2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
I would live in Colorado. It's got all of the seasons! Arizona just has year round summer; different temperatures of summer. Colorado has snow and plenty of bike paths with plenty of cyclists.

3. What's your favorite song of the moment?
EVERLOVING by Moby. I first heard the song on Seabiscuit. When I heard it, it gave me goosebumps because it was so inspiring. Seabiscuit was racing and finally got his first win. That's what I call inspirational! I listened to it on a run recently and forgot I was running. I pulled a nice six miles in half an hour. BEAUTIFUL!

4. You're about to walk the green mile, what do you have as your last meal?
Lasagna. I'm like Garfield, I can live off of that stuff. I would also like Heather's teryaki chicken! That was so good! I would also definitely have french dip with ajou sauce. Oh oh oh! I know! I would have some Arby's melts!!!! Mmmmm. *Drool* That's better than lasagna. . . and nothings better than lasagna. . . so that's heaven! XD

5. What would be your dream job?
My dream job would definitely for me to be a janitor. I don't know what it is about cleaning toilets that just makes me feel so accomplished! XD Yeah right! I'm a janitor right now. It's enjoyable at times, but I would definitely love to be a professional triathlete. I'm not putting down other janitors, it takes great character to do that job. I appreciate them and their help for keeping places clean and ready for use. They have a big part in preparation.

6. Which would you rather have, 100 million dollars or true love?
I would rather have love. I think love is true enough that it doesn't need a true to be in front of it. If love doesn't stand the test, then it's not love to begin with. Love isn't an emotion, it's actions and behavior! I would love to have a wife that I can cycle with. A wife that I can run with. A wife that I can chase and catch. A wife that makes me chase her even after I've caught her. Yeah, I would definitely want love.

7. If you could have 3 wishes granted, what would they be?
To get a red TT bike that fits me right. Specialized!
To have a wife that I can cherish.
Socks that never wear out because they're made up of outer space material that is non-degradable. What's the outer space material? Alien skin. Perfect!

8. What is 1 thing not many people know about you?
Uhm. . .Oh! I got it! Not many people know that I've given up on all of the instruments that I used to play! XD It's not something I'm bragging about, it's just some-thing, like the question said, a thing.

9. If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to?
I would change my name to Ananias. I've always loved that name.

10. What was your favorite childhood television program?
My favorite childhood television program was Super Mario! It was on once a week at 6 AM every Sunday and it lasted for about three months. It taught me to wait a very long time for something that was worth it. I would wake up early and watch it with my brother. It was so awesome that the way I'm describing it now doesn't even describe it. I bought the series a while ago and it wasn't as enjoyable as it used to be. It's torture watching it now.

How would you answer these dream questions?

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