Monday, April 11, 2011

They rule with grey hair

This past week, I went for a quick run to get a few things, just fruit and some spoils. Cookies and other sweets like eggs. *gives the Dracula laugh*

So, apparently, grocery shopping takes skill.
Be sure to bring a nice thorough list,
Don't shop when you're hungry,
Pick a good cart to shop with.

I do the first two like a pro! The last one, it's not fair, the old man with really grey hair usually welcomes me and gives me a cart. This time was different. It's like he went out of his way to give me the worst cart. It pulled to the left, one wheel didn't even move, and it squeezed loudly like I was warning others that the British were coming.

Well, as I enter the aisle for bread, these two old women with really grey hair got in front of me and fanned out to take up the entire aisle. I didn't feel like conversing because I was in a hurry. So, I decided to go around. The next thing I knew, they got in the other aisle and stopped smack in the middle of that aisle as well. I was thinking, what's going on? I thought they were playing a prank on me or something. So I decided that I could just come back for some bread and went to get some sugar.

Then I went to get some cookies for my brother and mother. They've both been having a craving for cookies and I decided I would get them their favorite kinds.
All of a sudden, like a pest, those two old women with really grey hair are in my way again. In the cookie aisle. I couldn't go into the cookie aisle directly because the worker was stocking and his cart was in the way. I don't blame him for anything. He was doing his job. I again, tried to go around these women, but to no avail. They stared at me like I was an alien. Feeling awkward, I decided to go into the other aisle to get around them again. Apparently some other lady got the memo and blocked the aisle with her cart too. Then as I tried to go around her, those old women came and stopped right in front of me. They didn't just stop, they parked there. Decided not to move and have the most absurd conversation. That of which I didn't want to listen to so I backed up and went to the other aisle to get around. Finally. They weren't blocking me! So I quickly got the cookies and the bread. It only took two minutes to get both, but with traffic it added up to a good half hour.

Just as I think I'm so close to getting out of that place there they are again! In my favorite check out lane! Yes, I have a favorite, what's it to you? Well, they're in front of me and they aren't a problem anymore. Suddenly, one lady decides to bust out with a complaint of blaspheme. They then change lanes. As I was about to pull up closer to the cashier, one of them decides to be bold. She put her hand on my cart and pushed it back as I was pushing it forward. Didn't even ask if she could be excused. Now, I'm all about honor towards the elderly, but COME ON!!!! She took her sweet time deciding which candy bar to get and let go of my cart.

Then the cashier had really grey hair as well. Although, she was nothing like the other women.

I guess grey hair is a crown that is highly abused.
It's just something they rule with.

How does your grocery shopping go? Do you get the squeaky cart as well?

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