Friday, May 13, 2011

School starts with ten

1. Did you ever pee your pants in school?
Oh man did I ever! I believe that it had gotten so bad with this issue that I used it to get out of tests. That was up to third grade though. Ms. Braun was the most awesome elementary teacher who taught me to love school! She had a very psychotic personality. I think it rubbed off on me pretty darn well. I never peed in her class though. She was a very laid back teacher. After that, it stopped.

2. What was your most embarrassing moment in elementary school?
There's to many to just name one as the most embarrassing. I used to act like shadows were the real world and I would talk to my shadow. Uhm. . . .I laughed in class once and my teacher told me that if I even existed in his class he would send me to detention. Hmmm. . . .Oh I got a good one! Ms. Braun, my third grade teacher, told the class to get our math books out. We hadn't used them in a while and my desk was packed with useless papers. When I couldn't find it, she came over and asked why I couldn't find it. She reached into my desk without looking, but couldn't get her hand in. She then looked at it, got upset, and then tipped my desk over. All of these papers flew out and went all over the floor. I was the "star" student in that class, so when that happened, all of the other students were shocked. I didn't like it at the time, but looking back, I had what was coming. I think she handled it pretty well, if it were me, I would gotten fired to destroying the kid. XD It was a common technique for teachers to do that. I don't think it was against any rules or policies. I pretty sure they were allowed to do that. Most teachers did. That was the first time that it happened, so, it was pretty embarrassing. It happened again once in fourth grade, three times in fifth grade, and once in sixth grade.

3. Did you like your elementary school(s)?
My first elementary school was Stevenson. It wasn't bad and I was pretty protected from the world at that school. So, yeah, I liked Stevenson. XD Then came Jefferson. This school was the worst low-down in the dumps school ever! Students got caught for doing things that should be left to married couples. What you're thinking, yes, that's what I mean. Terrible. It's only elementary! They shouldn't even know about that yet!! Ridiculous. That school is also where I learned to use foul language. I've never even heard of those words or what a curse word was until the fourth grade. That's when I started attending Jefferson. So, no, I did not like Jefferson.

4. Did you like your jr. high school?
I would say that Brimhall wasn't a school, it was a jail. XD Nah, it wasn't bad, but the way I was, it felt bad. We had to wear name tags and if we didn't, we would get lunch detention. If you didn't wear it, you'd have to wear a temporary one. No gum! XD The most ignored rule ever! Even the teachers chewed gum! Some teachers would even pass them out! Hilarious! Others, took it very seriously. It could get onto some of the tech equipment. So, I guess they had a legit reason. I wouldn't say that it was bad, but if felt bad. Looking back, yeah, I liked it, but then, no way.

5. Were you part of a clique?
Oh yeah! In jr. high, I was the "goth." It got so bad that in highschool I was called the "Dark Lord." I think that's hilarious! It got so bad that people thought I was a vampire, I was never in the sun and they never saw me outside either. That's hilarious! But still bad, if I go into the entire story. I changed in high school though. In my senior year, I earned the glorious title of "the goody two shoes." That was my dream in my senior year. And I accomplished it. I always dressed fancy. Mainly dress shirts, ties, and dress slacks with dress shoes. I guess that's fancy. For kids, yeah, that's fancy, but not now. So, I went from being the "goth" to the "nerd." Not even a nerd, the nerds made fun of me. So, I guess I became part of the "lonely" clique. That's a clique, right? I remember seeing a clip of David Letterman's top ten list with Napoleon Dynomite. One of the phrases was that even the kid who got his tater tots stolen, stole yours. And that's what happend to me on one occasion. XD What a story.

6. What was good about your highschool?
My high school was awesome because their bleachers got stolen. XD Just kidding, that was the year after I graduated. Something that was good about my high school was that I knew everybody! EVERYBODY! Even the teachers. I was in good stance with everybody. Although I knew everybody, I didn't really have any friends. I guess that would put me in the "social butterfly"? Is that a clique? I guess that was the only thing good about high school.

7. Did you ever go to the nurse to get out of class?
YES! I pretended I was sick so I didn't have to swim. I hated swimming when I was in jr. high. That's funny because my goal now is to become a professional triathlete, which includes swimming. SWIM, bike, run.

8. Did you ever get suspended? If so, for what?
I did. I'm not to happy about it. I injured a student and it cost me a week.

9. How many yearbooks did you get?
I got one for each year from seventh up until senior year. I have them all next to each other in my room. I love them all. You can definitely see me change drastically.

10. How many people signed your yearbook?
0. Zero. A hula hoop. A big fat goose egg.
There was just something about me that repulsed everybody I guess. One incident that I had was when a group of people were signing yearbooks and I wanted mine to be passed around. I handed it off and waited about "ten" minutes or so and finally got it back. When I opened it up, it was blank. XD I felt so bad that I put a hershey sticker in it and I said, "There, I signed it."

Don't let me be the only one to answer these, I would love to read your stories as well!

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