Friday, May 27, 2011

Time times 10

1. What time do you wake up?
What time I wake up varies. I have my alarm clock set at 5A.M., but I tend to go back to sleep. Unless I really really am in the mood to cycle that early. Which is what I do during the summer.

2. What time do you start work?
I have the "night" shift. I start work at 11A.M. and get out at 8P.M. My other job, I start at 12P.M. =D

3. What year were you born?
I was born in 1991. Year of the sheep. XD
Smart. Artistic, Kind, Happy, Reserved, Insecure, Dependent

4. What era of history do you like the most?
What? I don't know, this one?

5. What's your favorite month?
My favorite month is July. Why? Because of the 5th. Not Independence day which is on the 4th, but the 5th. =] I'm sure it will be for a while.

6. What was your favorite year?
Favorite year? I would have to say this year.

7. Watches, do you wear them?
Who wears watches now a days? XD I'm just joking. No. I don't wear a watch.

8. How do you keep track of time?
I put a stick in the ground and check it. XD No, I don't do that. PSH! I'm not that skilled. I look on my ipod from time to time.

9. What time do you go to sleep?
I try to go to sleep around eight, but lately it's been around midnight. =\ Work has thrown my sleeping habits off.

10. What time is it now?
Oh, busted, it's 6:02 A.M.

I know I know, a bit lame this week, again. It could be fun if you tried to answer them.

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