Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Most Perfect

Imagine you are in the exact place you would love to be.
Not just for vacation, but to be there to live.
Can you imagine it?
Do you even have a place?

A lot of people say France because that's the most romantic place in the world.
Others, Hawaii, for relaxation.

The most perfect answer I've heard.


Saying that, it definitely wouldn't be my answer.

I just said it was the most perfect answer, yes? So why not?

My home now isn't suitable for a dream.
Not where I would say it's perfect.
When I heard that person say home.
Thoughts came to my head.

A wife.
Maybe, MAYBE, a child.
A cat. or a dog, if my wife wants one instead.
A Mustang.
A nice sized house. Not small.
An Olympic sized pool.
A nice place to run.
A beautiful place to cycle.

Suddenly, it's not a perfect answer anymore.

Is it?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

New Responsibilities

*sigh of relief*

I miss being here, writing, to nobody.

If you read this, why don't you comment?
I love communication.

Recently I was supposed to become a manager at my job. Already!

I know. I just started.

Those who were there before me don't like me. "/

But hey. . . .
Whatcha gonna do?

The bosses think I deserve that position, it's for a reason that the bosses approve of.

Then, one of my counselors made me an administrator to the website to upload videos and outlines.


I love my job.

I love computers, audio and visuals.


Why am I sad?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Return from Depression

A while ago I got myself into a bit of anatomy trouble.

I fractured my ribs. Made a nice crack in most of them in my right side.

Okay, getting way ahead of myself.

In my EXS125 class, exercise science, I had to do a semester project.
Mine was to get more fit to get a better time trial personal record.
At the time, I was able to cycle a good thirty miles per hour.

People don't like to believe me, but other cyclist called me the red bullet.
I have a red and white bike, but I always wore red when doing a time trial.
I would constantly out perform most cyclist and they gave me that title.

Then at the end of the semester I improved a good amount, two miles per hour more.
That might not sound like a big difference, but it is. Trust me.

One day after a ride, I "fell" off of my bike.
I ended up fracturing my ribs and all of my hard work went down the drain.
This set off my depression.
Everything was in my reach.
Finally having a confident time to enter a big time race and having the chance to win.
Taken from me in a few seconds.

It's been three months since I've gotten on my bike.
When I did.
It was as though the world became quiet.

All of my past issues were suddenly gone.
All of the abuse given and taken.
The crying and anguish.
For that time.


Now I'm back in classes.
Have a steady job.
And my passion for cycling has come back.

One thing I learned.
Motivation can only get you so far.
Discipline can get you farther.

During this time of wanting to get away from my bike.
I said I quit.
I believe I posted something about it one here.

Don't be like that.
Don't think like that.
Don't pity yourself.
Don't try to live on motivation.
Live for a purpose.

My purpose?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 5

This is one of the greatest days of the year.


Because it's your birthday.

Yes, I remembered. I hope I never forget.

You know how people say, "This year will be better than last year," or, "That was when I had the most fun."

Don't listen to them.

Every day should be the best day.

Now, you're one year older.

I wish I could say more.

I wish I could give you a gift.

One that you would love.

Something for your artistry.

Pastels maybe. I bet you would love those.

You were always so patient with your drawings.

Trust me, I learned what it was like to put yourself into your drawings.

Every piece of art that you drew, I knew was perfect. I didn't go about it that way, but they are.


Because they have you in them.

Now I'm drifting.

The best thing I can say right now.

That's. . .

Happy Birthday.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Finding Failure

It's getting harder and harder to write these.
I have so much to say, but I feel as though nobody wants to listen.

It's getting harder and harder to become a personal trainer or even a professional triathlete.
I have goals. I have accomplished some, but what next?

It's like there isn't enough time for anything anymore. I wake up go for a ride, go for a run, go to work, come home and I'm alone in all of those places.

Nobody to talk to and nobody wanting to get to know me.
What's the point of it?

I had so much passion for cycling.
What happened to it?
Things keep coming up and shoving me away from it.
Am I not supposed to be doing that?

I want a friend that I can do things with.
A girl.
A best friend.
One that I can get to know because I want to.
One who wants to know me because she WANTS to.

All of these goals, coming to an end.
I have no time to do what I want.

Where can I find that friend?
Cycling, they all want something different.
Running, they all just do it for self image.

It's hard finding out that there's nobody out there for me.
No girl who wants to truly know who I am.
I've had one girlfriend. And even from the beginning, she didn't want to be with me.
I devoted myself to her so much that I couldn't stop loving her for two years after we got split up.

I want somebody who really wants me as a friend. Somebody who will sacrifice time, like I do, to just spend five minutes with me.

I've done that so many times for friends. I got to campus two hours earlier than when my classes started, just to see them for two minutes as they passed by from class to go to another class. I knew that those two minutes were worth the wait.

Cycling in the most bizarre times that are completely hectic to my schedule, just to try and find somebody to keep them company. Just for two intersections and knowing that it was worth it.

Running at times that when my legs were done with and had nothing left in them, just so they aren't alone. Not even talking during the run. Just being there meant more to me that talking.

I've found that no girl wants to be with me.
I've found that no cyclist wants a training partner for just two minutes.
I've found that no runner, really wants quite time.

That no person is wanting me.
I've found failure.
Failure at cycling.
Failure at running.

Right now, I'm just a detailer. Nothing more.
No morning rides.
No morning runs.

There's no point in trying to invest time in somebody who doesn't even want me there. It was all a waste thinking that there was somebody who wants me.

All of these passions, a waste.

Monday, May 30, 2011

The running start.

Running has always been a passion of mine. I never used to run so much, but I loved doing it. Getting into triathlons has allowed me to express my love for running. Sometimes I would go for hours and not stop running. The pain was only an encouragement.

Where running is easy, finding the right running shoes isn't.

A few years ago, I got these shoes from a common store. Nothing high priced; cheap in fact. These shoes never got worn down. I don't know why. I've had them for years and they're still good! If you're an avid runner like me, you would know how surprised I am. Up until recently there was still tread on them, they were still cushion-y, and still comfy.

I starting distance running about two years ago. 10 January 2009 to be exact. I had gotten separated from the person who I loved most. We sort of had a long distance relationship. The distance was 13.1 miles. So, I would say every now and then when we were together that if I had a bike, I would bike to her house just to see her for five minutes then go back home. She was flattered.

After we got separated, I still didn't have a bike, so I ran. I didn't make it completely the first time. I was about one street away when I got full of fear. I turned around and headed home. The second time, I made it. She never knew. I never told her. I never told anybody until now. I would do this constantly. Probably twice a week. I kept this up for a while. The time kept getting shorter and shorter, but still lengthy.

I had just bought new shoes about a month before we got separated. I used these shoes to run to her house.

The shoes now are finally worn out. They're still comfy, but they hurt to run in. So, it's time for them to retire.
I'm going to spray paint them gold and get them into a glass case. They are my reward. They got me started for the Ironman triathlon.

When Hope Doesn't Speak

I started cycling about two years ago. I think back and it still shocks me to see how fast these two years have gone for cycling.

I started out with a mountain bike. That lasted for about three months.
I quickly wanted to get on a road bike.
To see what it's like to fly.

After a few trials, I finally got my red bike. I named it "Red Velvet."
I was thinking "Red Bullet" or "Red Betsy," but nobody liked those names.

Recently, I haven't been able to ride or do any type of training. I miss cycling. I love the smell of the morning, just as the sun rises and the heat starts to pick up. There's that cold breeze that comes every now and then, but the rest of the ride is warm air. Being out almost in the middle of nowhere listening to the sounds of the forest. Wondering if I'll see another cyclist or if I'm the first out. Then I get to the drop which overlooks miles and miles of mountains and cactus. Seeing another city and watching the sun rise on my right.

The running, I loved running almost as much as cycling. I used to love it more than cycling, but lately it's been taxing. I haven't been able to run either. There were times when I would just run and run and keep going without a care in the world. It didn't matter what time I had to return because that was my duty. Running. Going out in the middle of the day while the sun is burning down on everything. Seeing everything wither away while I live at the fullest. The road being so hot that it's scorching my shoes and burning my feet.

It gets more challenging to get into these as things start to arise. Whether it be more responsibility or if my family thinks I need to put them first. Struggles that don't mean anything and aren't worth bothering with, yet they're there.

I keep looking for a training partner to train with. Hoping that she would keep me on track as we train together. Wanting somebody who will be more than a friend. Wanting that person who I will want to surrender everything to. It's tough finding out that there's nobody out there for me.

Recently, I haven't been able to train. . .

Friday, May 27, 2011

Time times 10

1. What time do you wake up?
What time I wake up varies. I have my alarm clock set at 5A.M., but I tend to go back to sleep. Unless I really really am in the mood to cycle that early. Which is what I do during the summer.

2. What time do you start work?
I have the "night" shift. I start work at 11A.M. and get out at 8P.M. My other job, I start at 12P.M. =D

3. What year were you born?
I was born in 1991. Year of the sheep. XD
Smart. Artistic, Kind, Happy, Reserved, Insecure, Dependent

4. What era of history do you like the most?
What? I don't know, this one?

5. What's your favorite month?
My favorite month is July. Why? Because of the 5th. Not Independence day which is on the 4th, but the 5th. =] I'm sure it will be for a while.

6. What was your favorite year?
Favorite year? I would have to say this year.

7. Watches, do you wear them?
Who wears watches now a days? XD I'm just joking. No. I don't wear a watch.

8. How do you keep track of time?
I put a stick in the ground and check it. XD No, I don't do that. PSH! I'm not that skilled. I look on my ipod from time to time.

9. What time do you go to sleep?
I try to go to sleep around eight, but lately it's been around midnight. =\ Work has thrown my sleeping habits off.

10. What time is it now?
Oh, busted, it's 6:02 A.M.

I know I know, a bit lame this week, again. It could be fun if you tried to answer them.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Zero Creativity

I've never been the one to come up with the most original, organic, unique master piece of art in any case. I have won some competitions, but they were never really creative. I only won for the purpose of beauty and realism. There was nothing that has ever come out of me that looked very beautiful.

I've never had an original creation that displayed the "me" in any art. (XD I'm getting repetitive.) I was with the most unique person a few years ago. She had so much art that was amazing! I talk about her frequently, but I personally think that she wouldn't want me talking about her. I just want you to know how much she really influenced my life. More than anybody really knows. I think she doesn't want anything to do with me. Which is okay, that's her decision in response to my terrible decisions.

Well, she always talked about putting herself into her art. Talking with other people who love various forms of art, they also have those same words. "I put everything into my music," or "drawings" or "paintings." It really displays them a lot.

My brother is an artist as well. He did a lot of pastel pictures. They often looked to realistic that they sometimes frightened me. That was talent though! It showed who he was. Original ideas that were real. Meaning? Meaning he was a very organized person who loved the fantasy land, but understood that there were boundaries in dealing with reality. I can tell what he was thinking when he made his masterpieces.

People tend to put their personality in movements. Duh!

I would talk about "her" art as well, but I do not think she would like it. Again, these are my responses to her response, to my terrible decisions. Make sense? Just let me say this, hers was so close in displaying who she was the MOST! EVER! No, you'll never know what my terrible decisions were, so, don't even think about asking.

I love Love LOVE human communication, like no other person that I've met. I'll meet a girl who loves communication as much as me, so, I just have to wait. When I do meet that girl, I'm going to marry her! I just have to wait.

Anyways, back to it.
My writing was never really ever that creative or original. I consider writing art, and so should you. I just love ranting! XD Well, creative writing  was hard for me in school, just ask professor Gharavi. Psycho teacher! But would be able to tell you! XD

Friday, May 20, 2011

10 Television Shows

1. If you were on Fear Factor, would you eat cow intestine or 2 dozen hissing cockroaches?
I would definitely eat cow intestine. XD I already do that! It tastes good. They call it something weird, and it  comes with something weird in some broth. It's not bad. So, I would go with the cow intestine. Not bad. Not bad at all.

2. If you were on survivor, would you rather make a pact or trick everyone to vote against each other?
I would love to make a pact with everybody! Not being deceitful. It's been in me to be in the best standing with everybody. People say it's impossible, but it's not. I can be friends with people who they might consider an "enemy." I am able to show that I have a friendship with that person in front of them even. It always confuses them. So, that's what I would want to do in the show. I'll probably be the first to go anyways. XD

3. If you were on American Idol, what song would you sing for the audition?
1234 by Plain White T's. I follow these people on YouTube. CTFxC. Charles Trippy and Alli Speed. Thy're both amazing people! They're an inspiration to young people everywhere of what it's like cooperating with each other in a relationship. They did a cover for this song and it's always been in my head since I've heard it. I love the way they did. In my opinion. I was better than the original.

4. If you were on America's Got Talent, what would you perform?
You know what. I'm so boring that I would probably just make balloon animals. I have no real talent. I would love to sing though. I've always had desires of singing opera since I was a younger lad.

5. If you made it on Hell's Kitchen, what would you make for Chef Ramsay?
I've always thought of this question every time I watched every episode. "What would I cook for Chef Ramsay?" He seems like the happy person who is easy going and goes with the flow. He has a passion for cooking that I admired and looked up to when I wanted to be a chef. I would make him a nice steak. It would fit him. I think medium would be nice. With the grain, not against it. Cut it just right to hide the fat yet have it keep it's flavor. Mmm. I would definitely give him a salad with some pineapples in it. I love pineapples. Cheery yet elegant. Of course there would be more on the plate, but that's as good as I can get for now. I'll try my cooking skills when I get a wife.

6. The cartoon show Arthur, which character would you be?
XD I would so be BUSTER BAXTER. I'm so much like him. Dumb and hilarious. Plus, he's my favorite character. So, I would fit like a glove in that spot.

7. Which of the ninja turtles would you be? (Don't know who they are? LEAVE RIGHT NOW! XD Just joking.)
I would like to be Donatello. You know, he has that intelligence and stuff, but I would most likely be Michaelangelo. You know, again with the dumbness and hilarious status.

8. Which of the X-men would you be?
Bleh, I dont' like the X-men. If I had to be somebody, which I don't, I would be Magneto. I would want to see how easy it would be to bend metal.

9. PEANUTS! The best show ever! Which character can you relate to most?
Relate to most? Shaking things up a bit, eh? I would mostly relate to Charlie Brown. =O This all sounds to familiar  It's been in my past blog! If you find it, i'll give you a treat!

10. Okay okay, you know it was coming. Pokemon. Which pokemon do you love the most?
XD YES!!!!! I love this question. PIKACHU OF COURSE! I LOVE Pikachu because he's a rodent! A fat cuddly rodent with thunder thighs. XD

Okay, so these questions were fun, right?
You should answer them too. Come on, don't let me be the only one to have fun here!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Frame work

So I've been trying out this new style of clothing.

XD It's not really a new style, more of a twist.
I have nothing but polos and slacks (as I write this wearing pajama shorts and a T-shirt.)

I got suspenders about two years ago and I haven't really worn them.
When I dress super fancy, for a wedding and all, then I wear them.

So, I thought I would try them on today.
I wore a forest green polo with a black tie, the black suspenders and pleated dress pants. I wear pleated dress pants because I have a more thick upper body. Trust me, it's muscle.

I thought it looked nice and I think I'm going to wear them a lot more.

I like this style. PLUS! I just got a snazzy new hair cut from my friend Claudia.
Friend of the family.
Not my friend directly.

Now this new look for me isn't totally working because my glasses' frames are thin.
Wearing tons of glasses (2 prescription and 5 sun glasses) I've come to hate having blind spots.
I get thin frames so I don't have blind spots.
It was mainly for cycling. I didn't like having to turn my head completely around and risk running into something as well as risk riding into a car.

These thin frames aren't working with the look.
So I'm going to get some new frames soon.

I'll take a picture for my profile if you would like to see the changes.

It won't be soon though.

Just an update.

Friday, May 13, 2011

School starts with ten

1. Did you ever pee your pants in school?
Oh man did I ever! I believe that it had gotten so bad with this issue that I used it to get out of tests. That was up to third grade though. Ms. Braun was the most awesome elementary teacher who taught me to love school! She had a very psychotic personality. I think it rubbed off on me pretty darn well. I never peed in her class though. She was a very laid back teacher. After that, it stopped.

2. What was your most embarrassing moment in elementary school?
There's to many to just name one as the most embarrassing. I used to act like shadows were the real world and I would talk to my shadow. Uhm. . . .I laughed in class once and my teacher told me that if I even existed in his class he would send me to detention. Hmmm. . . .Oh I got a good one! Ms. Braun, my third grade teacher, told the class to get our math books out. We hadn't used them in a while and my desk was packed with useless papers. When I couldn't find it, she came over and asked why I couldn't find it. She reached into my desk without looking, but couldn't get her hand in. She then looked at it, got upset, and then tipped my desk over. All of these papers flew out and went all over the floor. I was the "star" student in that class, so when that happened, all of the other students were shocked. I didn't like it at the time, but looking back, I had what was coming. I think she handled it pretty well, if it were me, I would gotten fired to destroying the kid. XD It was a common technique for teachers to do that. I don't think it was against any rules or policies. I pretty sure they were allowed to do that. Most teachers did. That was the first time that it happened, so, it was pretty embarrassing. It happened again once in fourth grade, three times in fifth grade, and once in sixth grade.

3. Did you like your elementary school(s)?
My first elementary school was Stevenson. It wasn't bad and I was pretty protected from the world at that school. So, yeah, I liked Stevenson. XD Then came Jefferson. This school was the worst low-down in the dumps school ever! Students got caught for doing things that should be left to married couples. What you're thinking, yes, that's what I mean. Terrible. It's only elementary! They shouldn't even know about that yet!! Ridiculous. That school is also where I learned to use foul language. I've never even heard of those words or what a curse word was until the fourth grade. That's when I started attending Jefferson. So, no, I did not like Jefferson.

4. Did you like your jr. high school?
I would say that Brimhall wasn't a school, it was a jail. XD Nah, it wasn't bad, but the way I was, it felt bad. We had to wear name tags and if we didn't, we would get lunch detention. If you didn't wear it, you'd have to wear a temporary one. No gum! XD The most ignored rule ever! Even the teachers chewed gum! Some teachers would even pass them out! Hilarious! Others, took it very seriously. It could get onto some of the tech equipment. So, I guess they had a legit reason. I wouldn't say that it was bad, but if felt bad. Looking back, yeah, I liked it, but then, no way.

5. Were you part of a clique?
Oh yeah! In jr. high, I was the "goth." It got so bad that in highschool I was called the "Dark Lord." I think that's hilarious! It got so bad that people thought I was a vampire, I was never in the sun and they never saw me outside either. That's hilarious! But still bad, if I go into the entire story. I changed in high school though. In my senior year, I earned the glorious title of "the goody two shoes." That was my dream in my senior year. And I accomplished it. I always dressed fancy. Mainly dress shirts, ties, and dress slacks with dress shoes. I guess that's fancy. For kids, yeah, that's fancy, but not now. So, I went from being the "goth" to the "nerd." Not even a nerd, the nerds made fun of me. So, I guess I became part of the "lonely" clique. That's a clique, right? I remember seeing a clip of David Letterman's top ten list with Napoleon Dynomite. One of the phrases was that even the kid who got his tater tots stolen, stole yours. And that's what happend to me on one occasion. XD What a story.

6. What was good about your highschool?
My high school was awesome because their bleachers got stolen. XD Just kidding, that was the year after I graduated. Something that was good about my high school was that I knew everybody! EVERYBODY! Even the teachers. I was in good stance with everybody. Although I knew everybody, I didn't really have any friends. I guess that would put me in the "social butterfly"? Is that a clique? I guess that was the only thing good about high school.

7. Did you ever go to the nurse to get out of class?
YES! I pretended I was sick so I didn't have to swim. I hated swimming when I was in jr. high. That's funny because my goal now is to become a professional triathlete, which includes swimming. SWIM, bike, run.

8. Did you ever get suspended? If so, for what?
I did. I'm not to happy about it. I injured a student and it cost me a week.

9. How many yearbooks did you get?
I got one for each year from seventh up until senior year. I have them all next to each other in my room. I love them all. You can definitely see me change drastically.

10. How many people signed your yearbook?
0. Zero. A hula hoop. A big fat goose egg.
There was just something about me that repulsed everybody I guess. One incident that I had was when a group of people were signing yearbooks and I wanted mine to be passed around. I handed it off and waited about "ten" minutes or so and finally got it back. When I opened it up, it was blank. XD I felt so bad that I put a hershey sticker in it and I said, "There, I signed it."

Don't let me be the only one to answer these, I would love to read your stories as well!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Decisions Decisions

After this past week of restoring a black vintage cruiser, I wanted to sell it. I kept polishing it up and it got even more beautiful. The paint is still good, the chrome is still shiny, it has the original tires. Only the chain is replaced. Everything else is original. I still need to get handle grips for it. It was my plan to sell the bike all along.

Getting to this Friday, I hesitated to do so. I don't know why. I put so much effort into it to get the best price for it. I need the money and it would help with a lot of things to sell it. But. . . .I just can't get myself to that point of getting rid of it. That's a real tough decision for me to make. I love the bike, but I should get rid of it.

For now, I'm keeping it.

Now, I was polishing that bike this week, while I was also fixing the vintage tandem Schwinn Twinn. It has taken so long just to get out a speck of rust on the front fender. I took another look at the bike and realized something. I might not be able to save it.

The thing about me is that sometimes, I get obsessive quickly. If you've talked to me, you'd understand what I'm talking about. Well, this bike was part of my obsession theme.

I thought it would be the same with this bicycle. Fix up the fenders, the wheels, the handlebars, the saddle, the kickstand, and a bit of the frame. I quickly noticed that the saddles could not be saved. The matting came a part and they're both crusty and torn. The "S" is gone and the only thing good on it remains the "Schwinn Approved" tag. Useless without the rest of the saddle. This past week, I was working on the front fender. It took so long and so many trials and errors to get the rust off. I hated saying it, but the front fender cannot be saved. I looked at the rear, and it was just as bad. Slowly my dream of repairing this vintage bike to it's former glory was dying. I took out the seat post of the front saddle and saw that it had huge corrosions in it. I had to give that up. The rear seat post had the same issue. Corrosion. The chains are useless and cannot be repaired. The rear cog is useless. Rusted over completely. The handle bars and the frame. Are the only things that I can save, but it won't be worth it without the rest.

I tried to find vintage saddles for it and I did. I found an ad. Two green Schwinn saddles! Almost perfect condition. The ad said they were green, but they looked black. I emailed the seller and his only reply was, "sold." He wasn't even former or generous, just, "sold." If I was eased into the disappointment, then I wouldn't be so crushed about it.


Friday, May 6, 2011

. . .8, 9, 10

1. Which celebrity do you get mistaken for?
The ghoulies. People often scream, "They're real!" Then I just laugh it off and so, not, I was just the inspiration for them. XD No, I don't get mistaken for any celebrity. And I'm so THANKFUL! XD I heard this one line on "Creature Comforts" where this guy had said that people mistake him for Bob Hope while looking at his back. Then his buddy commented, "And from the front, no hope!" XD

2. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I want to be a tree when I grow up. Not just any tree, an OLIVE TREE! XD Because they reek so much. Nah, I would love to be a professional triathlete. It gets harder and harder to achieve my goal because of situations that happen that prevent me from training.

3. When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time?
Blog or fix that rusty old tandem Schwinn. I wan to fix it so much and I feel that it's going to take about four months doing so. Along with a few hundred dollars. I'm willing to invest in something that will make wonderful memories in the end. Wouldn't you?

4. What would you name the autobiography of your life?
"Passion and Obsession"
I think that fits my life very well. 

5. What songs are included on the soundtrack to your life?
EVERLOVING by Moby! For when I'm racing.
Amare Di Nuovo by Nathan Pacheco! For when I'm walking
Make Love by Daft Punk. For when I'm tying my shoes and cycling.
I guess the rest of my life would be set to random and shuffle. XD

6. What did you do growing up that got you into trouble?
XD That's asking for a novel. I have done plenty of things that got me into trouble. One of the things that I've noticed is that I've never really gotten into trouble in class, but outside of school, I was a devil. XD If I could use that. I'm nothing like that anymore though. So, don't think of me like that still. =D

7. When was the last time you had an amazing meal?
Well, at my potluck a while ago, there was this teryaki chicken that a friend made. It was the best! Her husband made it this past Sunday and it was nothing how she made it. XD But hers, yeah.

8. What's the best/worst gift you've ever given/received?
The worst gift I've ever given somebody was a rock. I was only seven or eight. I can't remember. Penpals was the cause. I gave my penpal a rock and said it was magical. XD NERD! My penpal gave me a football. XD It was hilarious!

9. What is your first memory of being really excited?
This is gonna hurt. But the first memory of me being really excited wasn't to long ago. Pretty recent. By recent I mean within the past four years or so. My first and only girlfriend had told me she loved me. I told her I loved her. My heart started to race once she told me that as if I had drank tons of coffee. Other than that, I've never really gotten excited about anything. Not before that and not since then.

10. What was the first thing you bought with your own money?
I went to KFC to get myself a meal. It was the best meal possible because it was all of my money and I felt all grown up. XD I was only 11 I think. I didn't get allowance and I "worked" with my father for that money.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Going Classic

One of my greatest fears in life was E.T.

I know he's not real or anything, but for most of my life he was the scariest thing ever to me!

Recently, I watched E.T. online and got freaked out so bad.
To the point where I kicked myself away from the computer, turned to speaker down and started to cry.
Do you know the part where Elliot finds E.T.? The part where he's in the crops and then screams? XD
That part got me. So terrible.

I recently got the movie on DVD. (Again, when I say recently, I mean in the past two or three years.)
So, I got the DVD for ten bucks at Target.

There was another part where E.T. was watching T.V. and saw a space craft "beaming" people up.
He had this weird look on his face.
So, my brother made the comment. "Looks vintage," as if E.T. was saying it.
XD I took it even further by saying, "Hmm, vintage, Somebody's going classic."

It was the best moment of the movie.

And that's my intro.

I got this vintage cruiser from my father last week.
I was fixing up my brother's and found it in the front yard.
My father got it from one of his customers. And by got it, I mean they left it for him after they've. . . .you know. . . .finished their earthly time?

So I decided to keep busy with it this past week, since I couldn't ride. I injured my ribs, just in case you didn't know. =D So, no training for a month. Or so the doc says.

I just finished repairing the handlebars and it's a beauty!

New chain and everything else is original! I'm going to replace the handle grips though. They were all crusty and ripped. Good idea yes?

I think my next project will be restoring my parent's vintage tandem cruiser. It's a gorgeous green schwinn.
I hope to ride it with my future wife.

That's a goal, right? =D I'm pretty excited about it.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Out and about with ten

1. At a movie theater which arm rest is yours?
Both. XD I always get both because nobody else is ever in the theater that I'm in. But if there is, which is rare, then I still get both because I place my elbows and the rear of the arm rests. =D That way they get both too! Win Win! I don't go to the theaters often. The last few movies that I've seen in theaters are Tron, Toy Story 3, Transformers, and Passion of the Christ. That's it in the past five years? Yeah. I don't get out much.

2. Would you go skydiving?
It never interested me. So, I would have to say NO. My sisters went this past year. I didn't think I was missing much. XD Falling for two minutes? I can do that in my dream. And I have! Does that count?

3. If you knew today was your last day on Earth, how would you spend it and why?
Cycling as far and as fast as I can. I love cycling and I would love to go out into the world without having to worry about coming back home. XD I would even cycle on a flat. Doesn't matter if I wore out my rims, I'm not going anywhere.

4. If you had the chance to go back in time for 24 hours, where and when would you go?
I would go back to campus and slash my wheels so that the past me wouldn't have fallen and gotten scars from road rash. =D SM-ART!

5. Where did you come from?
The kitchen.

6. What is the most unusual thing that has happened to you while on vacation?
I went on vacation to Guatemala. We all slept in the same room because it's a third world place and that's all that my grandparents had. I was sleeping and then I started calling for my niece in my dream. I dreamt that she got kidnapped in the market place. Then that came out in real life and every body was like, "She's right here, she's right here." Then I woke up and said, "Shush, I'm trying to sleep."

7. Do you like to sing in the car?
Yeah. I sing my lungs out in the car. Not when anybody is around though, I have the worst voice possible. =D Singing opera is my favorite!

8. Do you know how to get there?
Yeah, you take a left on Main and stay on it for eternity. Then make a right and you'll be there.

9. Hot or cold weather?
COLD! I cannot stand hot whether unless I train in it then it gets relaxing, but that doesn't last the whole day. I'd rather be cold. I live in Arizona too and that just makes life even worse! There's no such thing as cold in Arizona. Not even winter is cold. It's just a colder hot.

10. Have you been to Disney World?
Nope. Not even Disney Land. I would love to see Mickey and Minnie Mouse. They aren't my favorite characters; it would just be nice to see gigantic mice that are bipedal.

You should answer these too.
I didn't think these were the best, but I still answered them all.
Got a theme with ten questions?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Bad Week for Cycling

So this past week was strange for me and my bikes.

I was going to campus when a kid asked me where the corner store was. I said, "Yeah, there's one just down the street right there." Then he said, "Oh, no, I'm looking for a Kmart." I gave him a stare and said, "That's to far from here, you can't get there by walking." Then he asked, "Can you help me get there?" The light had turned green and I was about to bike off to campus. It had finally dawned on me that this kid was on his own walking in the middle of nowhere heading towards a place he doesn't even know. I asked him, "Why are you here on your own?" He told me school got out early. IT WAS 8:30 A.M.!!!! WHAT?!?! SCHOOL LASTED FOR THIRTY MINUTES?!?!?!?! I tried to keep my cool because I don't like children and he's trying to lie to me. I didn't have my phone, but luckily some other kids at a bus stop had theirs. He tried calling home, but didn't get through. He had the audacity to say, "Oh, that's ok, I'll find my way." He turned away from us and decided to walk in the direction of nothing but desert. I was almost relieved when he said that, then again, I realized, that he's a kid and shouldn't be on his own. I called him to come back. I then called my parent to see if she could help him home. I didn't know what else to do. She finally got him home and I was late to class. I didn't even have my book or my belt. What a Monday.

I have night classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So, I take my road bike to get there faster and home faster. I wear my cycling clothing as well, and as you know, those are tights. This lady is sitting at smoking area table and howls at me. I look back and I shake my head thinking that was all that was going to happen. She then asked if she could spank me. I quickly ran off into the men's restroom to change. Nastiest woman ever.

I've told this story many of times and it's still terrible. I was biking with my brother's red cruiser and I don't normally look down at all when I cycle. This was weird, I felt compelled to look down, almost as if somebody was whispering in my ear to look down. Then I noticed a little bird hopping and I tried so hard to turn the wheel. . . . .but it was to late. I had run over the little bird and smashed it to road pizza. And what's worse! It got stuck to my wheel! EW!!!! I felt so terrible that I cried out, "WHAT DID I JUST DO?!?!" I later told my friend Karen and she told me that I was gross. I didn't mean to. Then she tried to comfort me by telling me, I probably kept it from a life of misery, so it's not all bad. XD Who is the worse one now?

I had just gotten to campus when I felt like I was overtraining. That weariness and exhaustion is completely lame. I don't even go that far to get to campus! Five miles and I felt so weak. I didn't over train, my body just felt like it. I don't know why. I wonder if I ate anything that day. I don't think so. Well, that solves that case!

Now this was just terrible. I was coming home from campus and I was almost home when this happened. I was racing a truck with my brother's cruiser. Then, the chain snaps off and I fish tailed with the cruiser. It's not meant for speed so I was practically begging for this. I fish tailed and then my left foot went inside the frame of the bike, the pedal smashed into my foot and the handle bars rotated and locked my leg into the bike. It slid for a good ten feet onto the hot rock tar road and dragged me with it. I landed on my left arm and didn't feel a thing. Oh that's good, right? *Nods head in disagreement* I thought I had just burnt my hand on the rubber of the handle bars, but then the lady in the truck stopped, came out, and tried to help me up. Then she said, "Oh my goodness, you're arm!" I didn't know what she was talking about and I thought she meant my hand. I thought I broke my leg because I was locked into that bike pretty good. I checked my leg and she said that wasn't the problem, it was my arm. I then looked at my left arm and saw that a lot of skin had been torn off and there were rocks from the hot road embedded into my arm. I tried to pluck it out, but it was melted into me as if they were supposed to be there. I didn't feel it until after she showed it to me and then it burnt like insanity. So I got home and having a first aid class, I knew exactly what to do. I was able to stay calm and treat myself. My sister sprayed the wounds with disinfectant and it hurt so badly that I almost threw up. I dressed the wounds and it's feeling pretty good now.

Here it is:

All of the black bits are the road rocks. I cleaned it and scrubbed it pretty good.